Montgomery County Community College - Virtual Campus

How are tests and exams proctored in the Virtual Campus?

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If your class is fully online and requires proctored exams, the College uses an online proctoring solution. For this, you will need a webcam and a reliable high-speed internet connection, both of which are listed in the technical requirements for online learning. Further instructions will be provided by your instructor, and you can always contact our helpdesk (215.641.6495 / for assistance. 

Some online classes require on-campus proctoring through one of our testing centers. These classes are clearly labeled as "Mostly Online" under the meeting information when registering. On-campus proctoring takes place at one of our testing centers either at Central or West campus. Your instructor will provide a window of time within which you will make your appointment. Our testing centers are open Monday through Saturday. You must make your appointment at least 48 hours in advance.